Wednesday 22 January 2014

First All Pakistan Research Symposium ’13
UnknownWednesday 22 January 2014

For those of us who wish to pursue a post grad degree and involve ourselves in research, it is always worthwhile to know the vast array of research subjects that we may choose from and the work that has already been done in these fields. Unfortunately Pakistan lacks behind in research, in order to change this mindset of young engineers and promote research we shall be hosting a symposium in which graduate & post-graduate students, professors and researchers shall present their research. The symposium details will be shared in our newsletter and so will it be shared with ASHRAE international.

Call for Abstracts:
The abstract of your research should be mailed to
Areas of Research:
Following are the areas of research that you may present at the symposium:
(1)   HVAC Systems
(2)   Refrigeration
(3)   Energy Conservation
(4)   Green Energy
(5)   Fluid Mechanics
(6)   Heat Transfer
(7)   Thermodynamics

Wednesday 18 September 2013

UnknownWednesday 18 September 2013

The nations of the world and especially developing countries like Pakistan have been plundering the worlds natural reservoirs of fossil fuels with utter regard for the consequences their actions might have. With the world’s seemingly endless supply of resources dwindling, it is clear that soon we will no longer be able to rely so heavily on the bounties of the Earth with such impunity. According to a cautious appraisal, the fuel will run out from the world in few next decades. The natural gas is anticipated to vanish by 21 years from Pakistan and by 2042 from mines of rest of the world.
   In this alarming situation, the development of alternate energy resources and energy efficient systems, maximized use of recycled products is desperately needed. Being students of Engineering,
we can contribute towards the world’s future. You can think shrewdly, sagaciously and above all sensibly.

    GREEN IDEA CHALLENGEGIC, is an opportunity for you to be able to make a difference and present your ideas that may have a positive influence not only on you but on the lives of those around you.
Why should I participate in GIC?
 Young undergrads, like you, have many ideas and projects that address the current problems of energy crisis, pollution, but they never get them off the ground due to lack of capital. The GIC gives these ideas a chance to grow into entrepreneurial ventures by awarding substantial prize money to the team with the most innovative and feasible idea.

Who can participate?
The students from all engineering universities are eligible to apply. The students from mechanical engineering background are particularly encouraged to compete. The final year students can also bring their Final Year Projects in GIC.
Which sort of ideas can I bring to GIC?
  We are looking for ideas that will not only encourage green energy or conservation but are also sustainable business models.
    Look around, the problems we face every day are right there!! Now it’s up to YOU to be able to identify them and come up with a way to erase that problem. Remember all revolutions begin as small, simple ideas, and the idea to start the GREEN revolution just might be YOURS!!!
We are expecting you to give not only the basic notion but also how will it be advantageous if your idea is implemented. E.g. it may be something related with carbon credits, or it may be something as simple as to properly insulate homes from heat and cold to reduce its electricity and gas consumption. In such case, you may present expected results that how much percentage of electricity can be saved if your plan is implemented. Of course, we are not expecting here accuracy, but your calculations should be able to convey a trivial indication of cost -effectiveness of your system.
Although there is no restriction, you may choose any of the following categories to work on:
(1)               Energy Efficient Systems:
To enhance the efficiency of any work producing or work consuming cycle is one of the basic tasks of an engineer. You can give your ideas to minimize the energy transfer losses. You may target at reducing the irreversibility .This is a titanic field asking for improvement.
 (2)               Use of Recyclable Products:
Now a days, it is not advisable to use drinking water at car washing stations ,it says in the paper. Similarly, you can prevent waste of potentially useful materials and reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials. Introduction of products that can be used again with little processing is the need of the day.
(3)               Environment Friendly Products:
Global warming, hole in ozone layer and increase in Carbon Dioxide Concentration are all stories of after the industrial revolution. The average temperature of the earth has gone up by 1.40F, the two-third of which took place after 1983.You can bring the economic systems about proper disposal of wastage of factories or can give innovative ideas about use of environment friendly products

About GIKI

The Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology (GIKI) is one of the most prestigious engineering institutes of Pakistan. GIKI is known the world over for setting a standard of excellence in the field of engineering. Over the years, the institute has produced bright, innovative graduates employed at some of the most respectable firms all over the world. The Institute aspires to be a center of excellence in engineering sciences and technology, which acts as an effective agent of change and a model for others to emulate. It is autonomous and independently chartered and is funded by the private sector. It strives to attract faculty of outstanding talent and ability to provide the students a supporting and enabling environment. It hopes to produce graduates who distinguish themselves by their professional competence, humanistic outlook and ethical rectitude, pragmatic approach to problem-solving, and organizational and managerial skills. Given these attributes, they should be able to respond adequately to the needs of Pakistan and be the vanguard of their techno-industrial transformation.
Apart from its outstanding academic programme, GIKI is also known for the versatility and vibrancy of its extra-curricular scenario. All of these activities are student-organized. At present, GIKI has more than 20 student societies. These organizations provide the students with various opportunities to indulge in their aesthetic interests and experience working in a professional environment. Moreover, these societies instill in their members the priceless qualities of teamwork and leadership.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences & Technology aspires to produce technically sound and professionally mature Mechanical Engineers to cater our National needs in the 21st century. We seek to enrich our educational and research programs, and ultimately society, through service. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at GIKI has a well-balanced and modern curricula designed both for the professional and the R & D/research engineer. Drawing on all classical disciplines such as mechanics and materials, drawing/drafting, thermal and fluid sciences, design and control. Curricula also reflect the latest advances in Finite Element Methods, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD), Numerical Control Machines and Energy Management. Modern labs, workshops and demonstration facilities complement the futuristic curricula. The centre of Energy and Environment studies (CEES) has already gained national and international exposure through its various workshops and conferences. The Centre for Manufacturing Productivity and Technology Transfer (CMPT) is a multidisciplinary research/R & D Centre aimed at bridging the gap between industry and academia, especially in manufacturing domain. Anticipating the technological scenario of the 21st century, the faculty provides an enjoyable and exciting academic experience.
FME is ISO9001:2008 and CSP certified. 

Program objectives

Following are the program objectives of FME;
  1. To produce practicing engineers who can demonstrate excellent technical and research capabilities in mechanical engineering and related fields.
  2. To produce professionals who understand technology, its uses and its impact in the marketplace.
  3. To produce engineers who can understand the environmental, ethical, diversity, cultural, and contemporary aspects of their work.
  4. To produce engineers who can work collaboratively and effectively in engineering process manufacturing or support industries and play a leadership role to participate effectively.
  5. To prepare students for the increasing demand of qualified professionals in the emerging fields of technology in Pakistan.
  6. To prepare students who can apply sound design methodology in multidisciplinary fields of mechanical engineering such as Thermal-Fluids Engineering and Design and Manufacturing.
  7. To prepare students who can competently apply mathematical methods, design analysis techniques, computational methods both in industry and research organizations.
  8. To promote development of communication skills and individual and team work professionalism through presentations.

Program outcomes

Degree of skills and capabilities that will reflect on their performance as engineers:
  1. Students shall have an ability to apply knowledge of mathematical science and fundamental   engineering to mechanical engineering problems.
  2. Students shall have an ability to identify, formulate and solve practical engineering problems.
  3. Students shall have an ability to design components, processes and systems to meet the desired needs.
  4. Students shall have an ability to conduct engineering experiments to study different engineering systems, including various modes of operation, performance evaluation, properties of materials and manufacturing techniques, as well as to use laboratory instruments and computers to analyze and interpret data.
  5. Students shall have an ability to use modern tools, techniques, and skills necessary for practicing mechanical engineering including computational tools, statistical techniques, and instrumentation.
  6. Students shall have an ability to work in a professional engineering environment, and to understand the associated economical considerations.
  7. Students shall have an ability to communicate effectively in written, oral, and graphical forms, including the use of professional quality visual aids.
  8. Students shall have an ability to work effectively in teams including multidisciplinary teams to solve engineering problems relevant to their field.
  9. Students shall have an understanding of the professional and ethical responsibilities of engineers.
  10. Students shall have an understanding of the impact of engineering on society and environment.
  11. Students shall have recognition of the need and an ability to engage in lifelong learning of engineering.